How Transition Monaghan was formed:

“Monaghan Ecological Group (MEG)” was founded in early 2010. In 2013, the group decided to align with the world wide Transition Town movement and so adopted the name, Transition Monaghan. The transition town movement is a response to the social, economic and ecological crisis which are the results of climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap fossil energy. The transition town movement recognises the great challenges that will be faced by society as a result and seeks to foster a community led response to these challenges by building resilient, sustainable and fulfilling local communities in which to live. We will all have to live with less energy in the future, however it is possible to do so in a way which actually enhances happiness and community cohesion.

The transition town movement is aptly named as it is about helping communities in transition to this new paradigm. It focuses on building ways of living that are more connected than ever and that operate within the ecological limits of our planet. The transition town movement is a bottom up initiative which empowers local people, independent of centralised decision making, to make positive changes to their community, without waiting on someone else to implement these measures for us. This transition will face us all and it is vital that as a community we can pool our resources, skills and knowledge to make this transition as effective as possible.

Transition Monaghan focuses on building links with local bodies and other local interest groups as well as local representatives and politicians to ensure that there is cohesion in the transition to a low energy, sustainable society. There are many ways that this can be done and anyone who has a special skill or interest is highly encouraged to become part of this movement for the future of our community.

The main activities and areas that the group focus on are food growth and security, education as well as empowering people with various skills needed to make the transition and the establishment of links and contacts with local businesses to bring them on board. There are many successful transition town organisations around the globe and more can be found out about this movement on the website of the transition network –

Transition Monaghan Facebook –

E-mail –

We also have a dropbox a/c containing more information regarding events and meetings the group has/will hold.  For details on how to access this account please email Transition Monaghan.

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