Transition Monaghan’s Sustainable Christmas Crafts December 2018

Thank You to everyone who joined us on Saturday for the afternoon of DIY Christmas Crafts! A lovely afternoon spent chatting & crafting, using different bits and pieces that we all brought to make some unique (and sustainable!) Christmas pieces.

Cider Tasting Event December 2017

Some of the TM crew at the cider tasting event in December 2017. A lovely evening!
Our community brewed cider is crisp & refreshing, almost like a sparkling wine and minus the sickly sweet taste of regular ciders! Thanks to Blasta aka World Food Porn @worldfoodsean for giving us the space and our own @lauraffelife who designed the labels (and our logo!).

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Deep Ecology workshop for Castleblayney

Places available at unique and timely workshop  

Transition Monaghan are holding a Deep Ecology workshop on Saturday 21st

kathryn mc cabe
Kathryn McCabe, Workshop facilitator

October from 10am – 2pm in the Lough Muckno Gate Lodge, Castleblayney. This workshop aims to bring together like minded people who actively seek to make a positive impact on the environment and in their community. It is a step towards making a change for the better in our world.

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Deep Ecology Workshop – Sat 21st Oct, 10AM 2017

ecology bannerWe are hosting a Deep Ecology Workshop on Saturday the 21st of October from 10AM-2PM in Hope Castle Gate Lodge, Lough Muckno, Castleblayney.  Tickets cost €12 and include a hot meal and some snacks.  Please click here or on this link ( to register for this event.

This Workshop aims to bring together like minded people who actively seek to make a positive impact on the environment and in their community. It is a step towards making a change for the better in our world. The workshop will be facilitated by social ecologist, Kathryn Mc Cabe in collaboration with Transition Monaghan.

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Apple-Pressing Event Sep 2017

by Laura Hannon

Our apple-pressing event held last Saturday 23rd September 2017 in the Community Gardens in Castleblayney could not have gone better. There was a great turn out of people on the day and everyone contributed to getting through the tremendous amount of apples we ended up with. Between washing, pulping, pressing and bottling there were plenty of jobs to go around and everyone certainly pulled their weight.

We held the event as a part of the ECOLISE European Day of Sustainable Communities and following the success of the day we would be confident that there is certainly a network within the county of Monaghan that could really hold their own in terms of self sufficiency and sustainability. In times of such ecological uncertainty this is a reassuring determination.

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Carrickmacross Art Festival sustainability event Aug 2017

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Pictured above are some of those who attended a workshop on global justice issues as part of the Carrick Arts festival. Transition Monaghan linked in with the organisation Development Perspectives to run the event. The workshop is part of the Sustainable Development Goals Challenge (#sdgchallenge). For more information on this and other workshops check us out or on Facebook or Twitter.

Rossmore Park Clean up, this Sat, 12th Aug at 11AM 2017

by Laura Hannon

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Volunteers pictured taking a break at a recent clean up at Rossmore Park

Rossmore Forest Park in Monaghan Town is a wondrous place for many – spending childhoods fumbling around between tree roots and over stepping-stones. A lot of us hold Rossmore so dear because of the nostalgia it resurfaces any time we visit. For these reasons, the people of Monaghan are very passionate about protecting and nurturing the park.

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Forest School: Rossmore Park Spring 2017

Transition Monaghan invited Earth Force Education (Ciara Hinksman and Lucy O Hagan) to Rossmore Park in April 2017 to deliver a series of Forest School sessions. Transition Monaghan organised this event which was part funded by Monaghan County Council.

In later years Transition Monaghan helped promote independently run events by Nourished by Nature, Tanagh OEC, Castleblayney OEC. Rainy at Wild n Free has run events in Rossmore Park in 2021 and is planning more.

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Demain / Tomorrow – Film Screening April 2017


Transition Monaghan hosted a free public screening of this upbeat film which offers a constructive approach and puts forward solutions to many environmental problems facing mankind.


Demain / Tomorrow offers solutions and a feel-good story that will leave you with hope and great ideas for the future. The approach being recommended in the film may well be the best way to solve the ecological, economic and social crises that many countries are going through.

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‘Every Blooming Thing’

Every Blooming Thing’ was held last Saturday 4th of March, as a fringe event of the ongoing Castleblayney Drama Festival. Held in the beautifully refurbished Gate Lodge on the grounds of Hope Castle, the event went swimmingly thanks to our very own Liam Murtagh of Transition Monaghan at the helm.

Liam opened by talking about the evolution of man and nature. It appears that alongside the great technological advances we have seen in the last century or two, comes an unwelcome disconnection from the natural world. An afternoon such as this is a perfect chance to reflect and reawaken some of that consciousness we seem to have lost.
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