Cloughjordan Ecovillage Trip (April 2013)

Members of Monaghan Ecological Group enjoyed an interesting and inspirational trip to Cloughjordan Eco Village, Tipperary, on Saturday last. Scroll down to see photos of this event.

Cloughjordan,is a village of under 1,000 people located in North Tipperary, near  the towns of Roscrea and Nenagh. In the 1990s a group of people from different walks of life, with a concern for environmentally sustainable living, decided to come together to start an intentional community, centered around the values of environmentally and economically sustainable community living and green enterprise. They placed an ad in the Farmers Journal seeking land, and acquired a site of 67 acres of lush farm and woodland in rural Tipperary. Over the years, the project has gone from strength to strength, with 53 residential units, consisting of housing and apartments, currently on site. There is scope for up to 135 units on site.

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