Making the most of an uncertain future in Co. Monaghan

This Saturday (October 18), members & friends of Transition Monaghan will gather at Ballybay Wetlands Centre to discuss a road map for sustainability in Co. Monaghan. The focus of the sustainable future workshop, will be to focus on a number of key areas that Transition Monaghan, in collaboration with other groups and individuals, can direct their energies on to promote and achieve greater sustainability, in Co. Monaghan, over the coming years.

Ballybay Wetlands will host this Saturday’s event, Planning for an uncertain future in Co. Monaghan.

Ballybay Wetlands will host this Saturday’s event, Planning for an uncertain future in Co. Monaghan.

The brainstorming workshop, which will begin at 2pm, will focus on the aspects of our lives that are deemed necessary for prosperity and how we can reconcile those with the need for sustainability in the face of the great challenges of the 21st century, namely climate change & peak fossil fuels. Small group discussions will focus on how we can reconcile our human needs with those of nature to allow for a sustainable and prosperous future in Co. Monaghan. The goal will be to create an action plan, spanning the next number of years, for events and projects to be carried out by Transition Monaghan, in collaboration with others. The theme will be in line with the maxim of “Think Global, Act Local”, as any actions that we take will focus on how we, as a community can improve our situation in the context of global challenges. Discussions will bear in mind areas deemed necessary for human and planetary prosperity, including: water, food, energy, biodiversity & health.

The workshop, which begins at 2pm, will provide the opportunity for those with an interest or curiosity in environmental issues to meet and share ideas and opinions with one another. All ideas and contributions are highly valued, and these will form the basis for the creation of a realistic action plan for Transition Monaghan into the future. Tea and coffee will be provided and the event will end at 4pm. It should be an interesting and engaging afternoon, set in the beautiful surrounds of Ballybay Wetlands. If you would like further information please contact Mícheál at