Lights out for Earth Hour Saturday at 8:30pm

Solidarity for those affected by Climate Change this Earth Hour

Solidarity for those affected by Climate Change this Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global WWF (formerly known as World Wildlife Fund) climate change initiative. It’s an event that aims to create awareness of the need for us to take responsibility to ensure a sustainable future.  In a global symbolic act, many people turn off their non-essential lights for the hour from 8:30 to 9:30pm local time.  Some people enjoy Earth Hour with a candle-lit dinner or a party.  Earth Hour started off as a lights-off event in Sydney in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide.

The interchurch organisation ‘Eco-congregation Ireland’ suggests ‘’a special candle-lit service with ‘care for creation’ as the theme, or a silent prayer vigil to remember all the species (animal, bird, plant & fish) that have become extinct as a result of human’s actions.’’  Alternatively, they suggest hosting ‘’a LOAF meal using Locally-produced, Organically-grown, Animal-friendly and Fairly-traded ingredients or even just a get-together with Fairtrade refreshments and perhaps include some star-gazing.’’

Arrival of the Swallows

I spotted two swallows flying over Castleblayney on Sunday last (23 March). Swallows are now arriving much earlier than in the 1980s and this trend is being attributed to climate change. However if the weather over the next few weeks turns cold, some of this year’s early arriving swallows may perish.

Recording the arrival of Spring in Ireland is of particular interest to Primary school pupils, many of whom log their sightings of six species at In the process they help fulfill the award of ‘Science and Maths Excellence’. Across Europe many children and adults record sightings of certain migrating birds at